Monday, November 4, 2013

PokemanZ --- or X & Y

Pokemon X & Y, the 6th generation of the game was released on October 12th globally. I’ve played the first and second and half of the third generations all on GBA emulators on the PC. I stopped playing the 4th and 5th generations because they switched over to the NDS. NDS emulators were notorious for not working properly so I didn’t get into it. Lo and behold, the 6th generation comes out on a brand new console, the 3DS. The new game was heavily promoted and done well. The game bridges the large disconnect between the kids from my generation and the current generation of kids. For example, the cartoon show is still on air but it mainly appeals to the kids growing up now. They don’t know anything about the original series. X & Y is a clever way to pull back kids from the 90s because it not only includes a ton of the old species, but you also get to pick a Kanto starter in the beginning of the game. How awesome is that? The graphics of the game really captures the life and worldly details of the Pokemon universe. I bought the game on launch date. The 3DS cost $220 with tax. The game was only $40. I also picked up a brand new copy of Soul Silver at Toysrus for $40. It was a steal because a brand new copy of SS online was being sold at $70-80. What’s amazing with technology these days is that you can connect to WiFi and trade/battle with people all over the world. In the 90s, we could only trade and battle using link cables. Those things don’t even exist anymore. What’s cool is that a ton of people I know have picked up the game, so it’s pretty exciting.