Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Baruch College

As the days go by, I take more pride in going to Baruch. Our main building, the Newman Vertical Campus building, is the state of the art building used by many producers in film. The 8th floor of the campus was used as the school setting in Step Up 3D which came out this year (2010).

Baruch has made its appearance other times as well, including pretending to be the hospital of the TV series, Nurse Jackie. Today during club hours there was a lot of commotion with live filming.

I think given a few more years down the road, Baruch College will receive more recognition. Just by being a business school in the city already has its advantages because most companies have their headquarters here in Manhattan. Today we were visited by the McGraw Hill Companies. The recruiters told us we were one of their main "core" campus recruiting schools, so that was appealing.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rent is too damn HIGH


Trolling is all so common on the internet. However, what happens when you start trolling in real life? Serious topics/discussions will turn into a joke, which is precisely what happened last night in the most exciting New York Governor Debate EVER.

Last night, in the first and also last debate between all seven candidates in the upcoming elections, it was not the Republican nor the Democrat who stole the spotlight last night, but Jimmy McMillan, leader of the Rent is too Damn High Party who did.

You can catch a brief summary of the debate in this article. I couldn't stop laughing after hearing this guy speak (he looks like a fusion between Mr. T and Hulk Hogan). He insists the solution to solving all of New York's problems is to lower the rent because RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH. He speaks with plenty of eloquence but solely focuses on one platform. When questioned on his opinion on gay marriage he responded with, "Rent Is Too Damn Party feels if you want to marry a shoe, I’ll marry you."

Surely this man cannot be serious? Then again, seeing how another candidate is a former female pimp (platform includes legalizing prostitution, marijuana and same sex marriage) who introduced Eliot Spitzer his prostitute, this year's election sure is full of "interesting" people.

Seeing how this guy only got 4000 votes in 2005, I wonder how many votes he will get this year after all of this publicity.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

moar quotes

"Who are we, really? Just a bundle of good genes and bad genes mixed with good habits and bad habits. And since there's no gene for coolness and confidence, then being uncool and unconfident are just bad habits, which can be changed with enough guidance and will power." - Style

Quite motivational for us average Joes.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fucking Austria

Fucking Austria...

No that's not what I meant, I meant Fucking, Austria. There really exists a town in Austria called Fucking. While the rest of the English speaking world find this humorous, the Austrians are not amused. According to this article, the welcome sign into Fucking is frequently stolen by tourists. "We will not stand for the Fucking signs being removed," the officer said in the article. In fact, they love the town so much, the Austrians even live on several Fucking Roads. That's right, so next time you visit Austria, make sure you stop by Fucking to take a picture and whatnot. Hell, even crack some jokes while you're there. Just make sure you don't piss off the Fucking people though.

Wiki article

Sunday, October 3, 2010


"In life, people tend to wait for good things to come to them. And by waiting, they miss out. Usually, what you wish for doesn't fall in your lap, it falls somewhere nearby, and you have to recognize it, stand up, and put in the time and work it takes to get to it. This isn't because the universe is cruel. It's because the universe is smart. It has its own cat-string theory and knows we don't appreciate things that fall into our laps." - Style

Life is so ironic sometimes. We don't appreciate the simple things in life and only take value in things we don't have. Currently I'm reading this book (name of the book will not be revealed) and it certainly is an eye opener. Maybe it's time for a change...