Thursday, April 26, 2007

seriously pissed off

Ok WTF this is seriously bullshit. The sole reason why I didn’t join Spanish honors was because they read novels and analyzed them in Spanish. However, we are doing the same thing in regular Spanish. WTF is this shit. Reading this retarded ass book called La Dama Del Alba. We are about halfway done and now I find out something shocking (to me). No wonder people who suck ass in spanish are doing so well in interpreting this fucking book. Why am I so ignorant and stupid? Today I found out that theres a whole English translation to the book. Holy shit, even the questions on the fucking test the teacher gives are exactly from the internet. Are you fucking serious? Fuck yeah I am. For two tests, I have not taken advantage of this. No wonder why people getting fucking high ass grades when I’m just bombing and working my ass off to know what the fuck is going on.

heres the fucking site

Long story short, I have lost respect for you asshats. Even worse, your selfish self sickens me. If I find something, I would share it. Looks like I'm just a sucker.

Disillusionment is sickening.

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