Monday, July 7, 2008

KooL-Aid contest

Yesterday: we held a Kool-Aid drinking contest at Central Park. It was hosted by Andrew and Sam (from Stuyvesant). The contest was based on how many cups of Kool-Aid we can drink in one minute. Everyone thought it was going to be mad easy but the thing is, it wasn’t.

Ricky – He went first and sped through 5 cups of grape juice. After his 6th cup, he couldn’t take it anymore. Then he tossed it.
Qi – I went second because I was dying of thirst from playing volleyball. I took my time drinking the juice and holy crap by the time I finished my 5th one, I was bloated. I just quit after that because I didn’t want to lose my lunch.
Richard – He got so mad because he drank like 8 cups and threw up so they only counted 6.
Lanson – This guy was the funniest. He drank like 8 and then he lost it ALL. It was like a waterfall. He kept puking until he was empty. I think someone caught it on camera, I hope someone uploads.
The rest – I didn’t bother with the rest.
Andrew – The new champion, leading the pack with 9 cups and not throwing any of it up. Well done my man.

Volleyball was extremely fun that day. We were playing gym volleyball until we started the contest. Then a couple of skilled people took the court and we were playing vs. them with our best people. It was 5 vs. 5 and we were pretty close with point to point. We won by like 3 points with ME blocking this Asian guy on their team. After the contest I proceeded to play with them while everyone else was occupied doing something else. It was great practice and today my entire body is sore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha awesome job with the blocking..even tho it took you a while (d^o^)d