Sunday, August 10, 2008

How I am feeling thus far

You know what, some people are just not sociable. I tried to do everything I can to preserve our friendship but it just isn't happening. It's like I'm extending my hand out but I can't reach the other person because they aren't extending out their hand. I give up. I don't give a shit anymore. I'm tired of wasting my time on people who I shouldn't be investing time on.

Secondly, I'm sad that summer's almost over. I just don't like the fact that I'll probably not see them / or even talk to them for a very long time.

Sunday (today) was awful. We were gonna play BTech today in a competitive volleyball game. However, everything seemed to go wrong today. First of all, only 5 of our 12 that we planned to play showed up. Second, we had the biggest argument with a bunch of faggots. These fucking Mexicans play in central park every weekend. I knew that was going to happen so we showed up very early and got the court. At around 12 or so more of the douchebags showed up. They started to give us lip and kept asking for the score and called for next game. We were extremely pissed. First of all, who the fuck did they think they were? The old whiney bastard was shit talking us. He claimed “We ALWAYS play here so this court is OURS”.

Total fucking bullshit. It’s a fucking public court, first come first serve. You don’t fucking come in later and expect other people to get the fuck off just because you want to play just because you always play here. No, fuck no. We had the court and we were playing. But they kept giving us fucking glares and mocked us/laughed at us. Some fucking adults they were… And clearly you can see that they were picking on us because we were younger. The right court was occupied too, but they didn’t bother with them. Those assholes HAD to get OUR fucking court. I was so fucking pissed off because they kept disrespecting us. After we got off I didn’t see them keep score or anything. They just got on and never got off.

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