Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Internet Funnys

How cute =)

Why didnt this ever happen in Scooby Doo? (I always thought that show sucked)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ghost Whisperer

Recently I've come across a new (old) show called Ghost Whisperer. The show is about how Melinda Gordon (portrayed by Jennifer Love Hewitt) helps ghosts and their family members cope with their deaths with her special ability to see and talk to ghosts. The plot so far is not continuous, meaning each episode has very little to do with the next one. It is sort of like ghost-of-the-week kind of thing. Each episode is somewhat similar, she would encounter a troubled spirit and tries to find out why they are still walking the Earth, followed by trying to solve the spirit's problems. The show is sometimes spooky because they do cheap scare tactics but other than that it's pretty normal.

I really enjoy watching this show. JLH's character is amazing and one can't help but fall in love with her. Melinda is a store owner by her day job but she spends most of her time helping others. Her kindness is an admirable trait and simply takes away my angry emotions. As you may or may not know, I am irritated easily and rage at quite a lot of trivial things. Right now I'm always watching an episode before I go to sleep because it makes me calm and it makes me sleep better at night. I don't know what it is, perhaps it's her great smile or something? Just looking at her makes you go all giggly and happy inside xD. Honestly speaking it's the sex appeal of the show that earns its ratings. JLH looks incredible each episode and no one cares even if the episode was poorly constructed.

When I was looking up the show I found out they canceled it this year. Apparently 7 million viewers per episode wasn't enough for CBS to renew the series. I suppose it had a good run--fanboys kept the ratings high for five seasons.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

i haz a hot dog

I rage quite often so here's a light hearted picture to make you feel fuzzy.

I think dressing up your pet into silly things is awesome.