Saturday, October 22, 2011

Disburbing things about humanity

Recently, a 2 year old toddler was ran over by a truck, twice. 18 people walked by the 2 year old in a pool of blood, yet none of them did anything to help her. She died yesterday, after several days of suffering in critical condition in the hospital. The link I provided above contains the video of the clip of which the child was ran over by two different trucks. Do not watch if you are squeamish, it truly is sickening. What is more scarier than the lack of compassion from the drivers is the fact that bystanders pretended they didn't see the child at all. Among them, a mother and child walked by, and did not care. Others strolled along and it was not until the 19th person that went to get help for the kid. What has humanity come to? Are we so cold hearted that we are willing to let others die right in front of us?

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