Sunday, May 17, 2009

WCG Invitational @ Samsung Experience

I showed up at 10:30 AM and told them I was available to play if the other guys didnt show up. Luckily, Alex Gardner (worldcommunist8) broke his hand and dropped out. So I joined BoX, SonKiE and Longwalk in their fray.

Round Robin Tournament
EtapH 0-2 BoX | SV TR
Longwalk 1-2 SonKiE

EtapH 0-2 SonKiE | TM SV
BoX 0-2 Longwalk

EtapH 0-2 Longwalk | TM TS
BoX 2-0 SonKiE

Longwalk 5-2
SonKiE 4-1
BoX 4-2
EtapH 0-6

So after that, they did a tie breaker for 2nd place:

BoX 1-2 SonKiE

Longwalk vs SonKiE

I have no idea who won though. I left before they finished.

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