Thursday, July 23, 2009

Solar Eclipse 2009

WIKI post

The longest solar eclipse in 500 years--and the people living on the western hemisphere missed it all. China, India, and some other parts of Asia had the luck of viewing a once in a lifetime event. Something like this will never come by in my lifetime, that's for sure.


Too much of everything is no good. Ever heard of "ignorance is bliss"? Well I believe it is true. Remember that episode when Homer Simpson got his crayon removed and he became intelligent? His intellectual self found life to be too difficult so he chose to become stupid again. If I wasn't so smart, maybe I wouldn't think so much. Thinking about random thoughts mostly makes me sad. I think I might be in for a serious case of depression. If only I was a bit dumber, I wouldn't have care in the world... live life happily and not think about what could be.

It's also true for those who are very beautiful. Beautiful women--are they blessed or are they cursed? Being stared down by all sorts of drooling men--that's probably not a great feeling. And then there's always the fear of rape.

God damn I wish the summer would end already. Every week kills me a bit more inside because of its repetitive nature. I have nothing to look forward to, I have no goal, I have no motivation whatsoever.

"But if you're not doing it for yourself, who are you doing it for??"

I would like to know.


Tiffany said...

same here. i also think to much. so much that i get so confused as to what i really want to do. it was even worst back in HS, thats why i became "emo"-like. thats about the time when i became a cynic and skeptic. it all started with the issue of friendship and then moved on to family drama -- it was quite bad then.

beautiful women are both blessed and cursed. blessed because they dont have to do much to keep standard norm -- or pop cult. and with no worries with men -- at least appealing to one. cursed because they have to deal with jealousy and falsehood - lots of things around them would be superficial. of course rape also, but some rapist do not have standards too.

im sure u will find it one day. and im not just bluffing. i hate to bluff and i absolutely get straight to the point if i have my doubts about something. but for this, im sure u will cause i know i did. it took a while and a little more growing up to do but i found my answer to your question. though i must adjust your question because i am doing for myself and for the person im doing it for xD

well, thought i should check up on you through your blog x]3 guess i'll sleep a bit early. stupid headache... blehhh

QQ said...

yay! someone reads X)