Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Voting for the first time

Today I went to vote for the very first time. I wasn't aware it was election day until my Law professor reminded the class. Apparently the mayor, Mike Bloomberg, is running for the third consecutive term for office. The rule is that mayors can only run for a maximum of two years. I guess since he did such an outstanding job they thought it was okay to let him keep going. The place where I voted were full of little old ladies. It isn't even an important election day so not a lot of people went to vote.

There are generally two types of voters. One, the type that votes for their party affiliation and the other type are old people. Since I was ignorant and didn't know anything about politics, I simply voted for the mayor. The American voting system is such a funny system. A huge majority of the voters have no idea where the politicians stand and vote blindly. Sadly to say, I'm one of them. Is this really what the founding fathers fought for?

Also, to my surprise, Bloomberg did not win by a landslide, but only by a couple thousand votes. The guy doesn't even make a salary for his position. In fact his annual salary is $1.


I absolutely hate my art history honors class. Although it is quite informative and I do learn some stuff from that class that broadens my universal knowledge, I find the exams quite bothersome. What it comes down to is hardcore memorization. We are to memorize about 35 different works of art (paintings, buildings, etc), including their titles, artists, date of creation, location, historical content and style. The exam is simply to throw back at the professor what she told us in class (and what we have read). I find that quite meaningless because after the exam all that crammed information will eventually dissipate.

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