Tuesday, May 11, 2010

US Census Bureau 2010

Last year [2009] I filled out a really long form for the US Census. We were called by "people" who kept telling us we have to fill out the census for the government. The form looked very legit, except it was tediously long. I filled it out anyway.

That was last year, and now I realized I have fallen into some scam artists' trap. The US Census is THIS YEAR. Since we filled one out last year, we decided not to do it again this year. A US Census representative knocked on my door today. According to them, they don't have our information in the system. The guy showed me the questions and I had to answer him. Who was legit? I have to say this is more legit. Last year was definitely a scam. How the ___ did they get my phone number? The form seemed legit, the address seemed legit, the phone call seemed legit, but why was it in 2009? I should've been more cautious and look up the form online. Because now... knowing all my information is in the hands of scam artists...

Good grief.

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