Friday, July 16, 2010

unmotivated right now

Okay things are going downhill this summer. Not only does my current "job" suck, but my only source of entertainment is also dismantled now.

The Job:

Currently I am "interning" at MetLife. At first I got the job and thought I landed the jackpot. I didn't ask about the pay or anything because I didn't want to seem like money was all I cared about (on the first interview). However, I should have suspected something was wrong because the guy simply handed the job to me. He didn't ask me any questions on a normal interview, he simply told me the job description and asked for my availability. So what do I do these days? When I applied, it was supposed to be "analyze financial asset models" and other wordy descriptions. However, all I do is make cold calls. That's right, I'm a free telemarketer and my time and work is so meaningless, I receive no recognition and no money for it.

I hate my work because 99% of these calls are failures. About half of them go straight voicemail, a third of the phone lines are busy, and the rest are the rejections I receive. I've made some successful calls, but have I received any compensation for it? Nope. Where is my commission? Is my time really that meaningless? I'm not even properly registered onto the system and no one knows of my existence. Is this right? Why am I still there?

ME time (My Enjoyment)

The only things I look forward to each week, are two things. First, playing Heroes Of Newerth with my friends. Second, our weekly volleyball events on the weekend. Sure job sucks, but when I come home or when it's the weekend, I can at least enjoy myself and take a load of stress off. What's changed?

As a killer team of five players, our HoN team is entered into several tournaments. We've been on a roll and we have a very good streak going. One of the tournaments I feel we can make the finals. However, just when everything is looking smoothly, one of the five of us decides to go EMO on us and quit the game. For no reason. Not even a reason as to why he quit. This guy won't pick up the phone, won't respond to IMs, nothing. All of my hopes and ambition goes straight down the drain because the team is nothing unless we have all five of us. This absolutely is killing me.

Second, what happened to our weekly volleyball events at Central Park? I have no idea what's going on, but people aren't going anymore. Maybe I'm an extremely habitual guy and doesn't like the idea of change. I looked forward to meeting up with my friends every week and play some games at Central Park. Nowadays, whenever someone creates an event, hardly anyone responds. People always ask, who's going? Well maybe if you show up and then others will as well. But the thing is, no one is going anymore and it's a chain effect. Sadly, this is killing me as well. What is there to look forward to now?

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