Monday, December 3, 2007


example of a Q train. the picture is bad because u cant see the 3 row seats and only see the window seats

Being the sharp observant I am, here is something I find interesting regarding human behavior:

Train Seats
I _ _ _

A - Near window seats, the seat where u sit next to the middle seat, also known as the first seat
B - Middle seat between A and C
C - 3rd seat, the one next to the railing
I - Window seats (2)

Okay so heres what I am driving at:
Do you ever notice how the seats are filled up? From what I can see, most of the time (80%) the seats get filled up in this order: C A B (not counting the window seats).

Now why the hell does this happen? It is human nature. Seat C, is by far the most popular seat on the train. Why is that? For one, it is next to the railing. Somehow I think the railing creates some sense of security. Next, seat A is taken. This is human nature as well. Obviously if there is 2 seats left, you would assume the seat that is not next to the other person. Strangers generally would not want to sit next to each other unless absolutely necessary. The last seat is by far the worse seat there. You have to sit inbetween two other people, and sometimes, two fat people. It is a really uncomfortable position to be in, and I wouldnt take it unless I'm dying.

Lastly, theres this phenomenon on the train also. When A B C seats are filled; and when either A or C gets up, person B will ALWAYS, I MEAN ALWAYS (99.99999%) TAKE THE SEAT OF THE PERSON WHO GOT UP.

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