Monday, February 16, 2009

Some issues with America

I read something interesting that relates to sociology. I found it pretty interesting so I’m going to sum up the main ideas of the article. The title of the piece is called “What is wrong with America and can anything be done about it?” It’s a fairly conservative observation about current trends and such.

1. America has institutionalized selfishness. People look out for only themselves and for their own self interest.

2. Work ethics in America is downright low. People who are motivated to work are put down by their colleagues because they don’t want to have to meet expectations set by the more productive workers. Hence work has become really slow and inefficient. Productivity is low and services are lacking.

3. Marriage is a dying institution. Many people live together without marriage. Perhaps they are afraid of commitment? Or perhaps people are always looking for someone better? And for those who are in marriages, how many will actually last? The divorce rate in this country is phenomenal.

4. People take things to lawsuit all the time, and sue for unreasonable amounts of money.

5. The current education system is lacking. Kids these days sit in the classroom and waste their time. They used to have corporal punishment, hitting kids on the hand trained discipline. Nowadays teachers do not dare to lay a finger on the youngins, not even the parents for fear that child protection laws would take their children away. Kids grow up realizing they learned little to nothing in school and have no respect for teachers.

6. The family is a very narrow concept these days. Parents are usually too busy with their work to take care of their kids. Kids grow up to be extremely independent. The idea of taking care of the parents when they become elderly is looked on as a burden. When kids turn 18 the first thing they do is cheer because they can finally move away from their family and start their independent lives. Kids merely depend on the parent for economic reasons and what of the family values?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hii how are you doing?
it seems to me that you are enjoying sociology

America is not all bad, you just have to embrace the bad and the good.