Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Japanese gice... srsly wtf

So during my stay in Stony Brook I've noticed some weird trends around the campus. I frequently saw some Asian gice wearing purses or "manbags". I found that pretty disturbing because it looks disgusting and I immediately deemed them fags. Of course, most of them were Japanese/Korean but who can tell the difference unless they're Asian? The point is... I think it is giving Asian guys a bad name in general. I was eating lunch and this fag walked by with a purse and several white guys were laughing their asses off, obviously at the effeminate appearance of the guy. First of all, the god damn guy dressed like a fag in the first place (V cut shirt, skinny jeans), but to top it off, he had a GOD DAMN PURSE. I cannot stress this enough. What the hell is wrong with these people? What the hell happened to social norms?

Japanese people continue to reshape the norm...

According to the article, everyone in Japan has these things. It disgusts me. Thankfully in America, the land of homophobics, this sort of retarded trend will never take over. Just because a trend is going on in Japan, people conform to it. Do they even stop to think how stupid they look?

And whats up with girls liking this sort of crap anyway? A few of my Asian female friends were watching some videos on Youtube and they were squealing at some really girly guys...

Anyway the point is, I think this kinda stuff is mad retarded, go conservatives, down with new weird stuff.

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