Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Modern "Art"

Modern art is all about abstractions. Picasso and his odd paintings come to mind. Take a look at this:

What the heck is this? This my friend, is the piece known as "Fountain" by Marcel Duchamp. It is voted in December 2004 to be the most influential artwork in the 20th century. If you look closely, turn the image 90 degrees, you might notice it is a urinal. That's right ladies and gents, behold modern art, a time when people can consider anything to be art.

Modern art is such a radical style it makes me sick. The most abstract and distorted pictures can be deemed art. I don't think it takes any skill either, I'll bet my five year old cousin can randomly put together and call it "art."

Wiki Entry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That piece of art was actually made a while back if I remember correctly around World War II. It was suppose to be a mockery towards art itself. I think it's pretty cool. =D