Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Schedules

Making a schedule for the next semester is always exciting and frustrating. Being a sophomore, our level of priority is really low, especially when we're ready to take junior level classes. As the days passed by, I watched in horror whilst all the classes I wanted to take filled up.

Two things I consider when I decide if I want to take a professor or not.

1. Is the professor funny? If he or she can teach in a funny or charismatic way, I will be able pay attention with ease.
2. Is she hot? My friend made a good point, even if the class is boring I can still manage to pay attention if the professor is appealing to the eyes.

And rarely do I ever take the arrogant professors. Arrogant professors aren't bad either, because they are arrogant because they know what they're talking about. They are usually grumpy because the students are disrespectful.

Anyway, I didn't want a "herd" in my classes. What the heck do I mean by a herd? I don't want to have all the people that I know in all of my classes. It feels like we're just traveling like a herd from class to class if that happens.

1 comment:

JK said...

like old days