Monday, April 26, 2010


A dear friend of mine was in tears today and I was heart-broken. What can you for a friend when she's in that type of situation? I tried my very best to comfort her but it didn't work. She was devastated and I simply could not come up with the right words. In the end I simply used the power of silence to express my sympathy, after all, why bring it up again when one simply wants to forget about the whole thing? I felt so useless and I could feel her emotions as we walked home. My heart sunk rock bottom.

I have a lot to learn about human relationships because frankly I say the darnest things and rarely think about how it might affect people.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

i feel that for most girls, as long as someone is there, that's more than enough as a comfort. no one wants to cry alone. u dont have to say anything. your presence there was already felt.