Friday, April 9, 2010

lack of fat

Okay we've all heard of stories where people try everything they can in order to lose weight. This story is about the opposite. You see, I've been 120 pounds for my entire high school career. I've always wanted to get to the "normal" weight for my height. During my stay in Stony Brook, I ate fast food and junk food almost everyday. The bottled water was more expensive than the soda. Hence I lived off of Pepsi and Wendy's for half the semester. What was the end result? I gained five pounds. At the end of the semester, I was finally at 125 pounds. My weight fluctuated and I'm currently 130 now (FYI it has been 1.5 years since Stony Brook). A week ago when I met a couple of my friends from Stony Brook, they told me I look skinnier. I don't know. I keep trying to gain weight but I look skinnier than I am. Weird huh?


Shanni said...

lol that is funny
do you have fast metabolism?

yaysandyy said...

Same here! I thought you looked skinnier, but hey, what do I know? Junk food ftw.

Tiffany said...

i lost weight! BUT ONLY because i lost muscle mass. HAHA. meaning my muscles arent tight anymore and they're flabby and makes me look fat. damn. gotta work out after 2 years of no weight training. haha.