Friday, January 13, 2012

First Blog Post of the Year

Well this is the year that is rumored to be the end of the world, so here we are! Looking over the years I've blogged, here is the breakdown:

► 2011 (14)
► 2010 (41)
► 2009 (106)
► 2008 (26)
► 2007 (57)

My interest to blog about my life peeked in 2009, my first/2nd year in college--and when I had a huge amount of free time on my hands. I'm actually surprised I couldn't write more than 14 posts last year, even if you count it as one per month, I barely made it since half the posts were about The Walking Dead.

Right now I'm on winter break and I have nothing better to do. I read some of the old blog posts in the earlier years and it was fun rereading the shit you used to write. To compare how I write now to how I used to write, I've definitely become more professional. However, the content has also been less exciting because of less emotional effort on my part.

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