Sunday, January 11, 2009

Finally finished watching Moonlight Resonance

I downloaded a crap load of TVB series during my stay in Stony Brook (abusing their fast internet connection OFC) but didnt have a chance to watch any of them because of school. First thing I did when I got back was to catch up on the most anticipated series of 2008, Moonlight Resonance. I knew that the show was going to be spectacular because its prequel, Heart of Greed, was the best series in 2007. Good thing the show did not disappoint, I think the ratings for MR exceeded even that of HoG.

I think the script for this series was absolutely phenomenal. Every episode was really intense, not one single episode was unimportant garbage that they try to drag on with, unlike a lot of other series they produce.

I give this series 10/10. It is a must watch if you like TVB series.

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