Monday, January 5, 2009


I was pretty bored a while ago... my desktop is still in the tech shop for repair. I decided to dig up my yearbook and take a careful look at it once again. Our yearbook is really lacking in comparison to some of the other schools'. I dont think I have any right to complain about it because I wasnt part of designing the thing (although if I was, it wouldnt be so bad). But looking at it made me kind of sad because I wasnt involved enough in the school. There were a billion clubs I never heard of that had group pictures... lol Mr. Hero was in like five of them.

Midwood's yearbook is pretty bad ... the cover looks like it was drawn by some fifth grader, the picture that supposed to have everyone ... didnt have everyone, the portraits were horrible. There was a section in which close friends can pay $100 to have their very own page(s) in the yearbook. I know my friends were supposed to get two pages but the school ripped them off and gave them only half a page... so half of them were cut out.

And lastly some of the comments left by my peers were somewhat lame. Most people didnt know what to say so they wrote something short and poorly thought out. Only those who were really close to me wrote something meaningful. I tried my best to write something personal for everyone who I wrote in.

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