Monday, March 19, 2007

next year

Plan A - 7 periods

Contemp. Lit.

Eco/Gov GP

AP Statistics

Calculus Honors

AP Physics C


Plan B - 6 periods

Contemp. Lit.

Eco/Gov GP

AP Calculus BC

AP Psychology


I’m in a dilemma here. I’m not really sure what I want to take for next year. Physics C is a calculus course along with hard ass physics. Psychology is single period as opposed to Physics C, but it’s an outlining course. Do I want to take a double period class of hard ass math or do I want a single period of outlining chapters in a book? Also for math, do I want Calculus AB or BC? Or Statistics? Too many decisions.


Elite homeroom is pretty cool, you get treated like Gold so its pretty sweet. We get to do our programs first and our priority goes above the others so GG. We get this special pass for tomorrow to get to this junior orientation 8-9. The guidance counselors try to get to know every one of us to help with our college selections. Also, you can call me #33 because that’s my overall ranking in the juniors.