Thursday, March 8, 2007

school blows

So yesterday we got our transcripts, green programs, and some other junk in homeroom. My cumulative average up to now is 95.71. I guess that’s ok, but seeing everyone else’s 97-99s, I feel like the weakest link. Anyhow, I failed the last English vocabulary test with a 61 because I couldn’t memorize 120 words the night before. Kramer told us she doesn’t curve grades and what ever you get is what you get. No extra credit is given either. I also feel so stupid in math, because the teacher doesn’t explain very well. Plus, I’m always late to her stupid class because the bus is always late and crowded with other people who start 2nd. Looks like my grades this semester are gonna go for a dive off the building because I’m doing so poorly.

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