Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Gift

What is talent? What is "The Gift" that most professional players have? According to this article on WCR, there are three basic things that make them successful.

1. Reaction time - the ability to react quickly to changes and to be able to oversee the entire battle. I am kind of lacking in that aspect with respect to being able to see everything. Is that something I can work on? To process things in my head faster?

2. To be able to out strategize or outsmart your opponent - This is self explanatory. Often times I find myself unable to decide whether or not I am in the position to win the battle. Is this a good position for me to engage? Should I stall until I have higher odds? Obviously this is linked to reaction time because without the ability to decide things in seconds, this is a hard thing to grasp.

3. To be able to learn from mistakes - this one is really hard as well. Sometimes you just lose games because of rotten luck. But other times there are clearly bad moves that one can avoid if the game is reviewed.

So what does all of this mean anyway? It just means that I need to exercise my brain more and not just jump into fights that aren't favorable to me. My impatient nature often get the best of me.

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