Thursday, April 30, 2009


Ah... /b/, the most retarded place ever. Full of interweb trolls and full of win and lolz.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Daily Life

Here's an image of what my daily life can be described as:

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Global warming makes the weather unbelievable. One day its hot and the next it's cold. The transition from 90 degrees to 60 is just too much. Where's the consistency?

Cuz you're hot and you're cold, you're yes and you're no

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Virus... Again

Yesterday my computer started to act up, Avira Antivirus picked up several detections of TR/Vundo.Gen and I hit delete for all of them. Of course, it didn't fix the problem. I looked up the trojan known as "Vundo" on wikipedia and it gave me some symptoms. They were very accurate.

1. Frequent pop ups that tell me I have a virus and advertisements to different anti virus programs.
2. Facebook was blocked, oh the horror!
3. Random letters of .dll programs were ran.

So after doing a crapload of research, I installed the full version of symantec antivirus (provided by my college for free). I scanned the stupid thing for two hours and it found nothing (when Avira clearly found the Vundo). I deem symantec AV useless.

Next I downloaded Malware Byte's Anti-Malware. It found 26 infections, all the various forms of Vundo and its various spawns of ashgjf.dll. After the program moved those infections, I no longer got any more pop ups (I continued to have pop ups after Avira deleted everything it can find).

Malware Byte's Anti-Malware is excellent.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Break is over

After 1.5 weeks of no school, I am here to tell you I have accomplished very little. It's really difficult getting back into working mode, all that free time off made me slack off even more than usual. I forced myself to read like 5 chapters of POL SCI (100 pages) and 4 chapters of MACRO ECO (60 pages) in two days. My brain hardly absorbed any of the information, which isn't like me at all.

I think I'm becoming stupider, aging has begun. I can no longer do really complicated math problems, just a year ago I was doing the hardest physics problems with ease. My ability to absorb information has deteriorated, and so has my writing skills. I'm trying to write an essay right now but the words seem so hard to grasp, maybe because I raised my standards, or maybe because I get distracted too easily. But I know for sure that I am becoming slower, I forget some fancy vocabulary that I used in writing.

Update on the dentist thing:
My mom's gums were cut up badly. She bled all day that day. Now her face is swelling like... you know when someone gets punched in the face. I know for sure that doctor cut up her gums on purpose. Why the hell would anyone need to cut the gums that have nothing to do with the tooth?

Injustice and incompetence is everywhere.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Facing discrimination

Today is one of the worst days of my life. Funny thing is that I never seem to post any happy related topics regarding my life--probably because there aren't too many. Today I will rant on the evils of bureaucracy and discrimination.

American bureaucracy is absolutely one of the most redundant creations to ever exist. The purpose of bureaucracy is to promote order and to maximize efficiency. It creates a set of strict rules for retards to follow--to never use common sense, to follow procedure no matter how trivial the matter is, to abide by stupid rules that waste time. Everything is so specialized to the extent that in order to find something, you will have to be redirected about 50 times before you find the right department to answer your question. Bureaucracy does not only waste my valuable time, but makes people robotic, unable to adapt to changes and problems that can be solved using common sense.

Secondly, today I had to go to an Oral Surgeon with my mom to get her wisdom tooth extracted. Getting there when it opened, about 20 people were ahead of us. I hate waiting, but bureaucracy as always, makes you wait. First the initial waiting, we waited for about an hour before the receptionist looked at our name on the list. After we were called, we had to fill a bunch of forms, then sat back down again to wait another hour for them to process it. After we were done waiting in room 1, we sat in room 2 to wait some more. After we were taken to the operation room, the doctor was no where to be seen, and we were instructed by the nurse to wait some more. This wasn't the first time I had to come to this dreadful place, the last time I was here I waited for six hours for the whole thing to be done.

Now the discrimination part. The stupid doctor wasn't taking his job seriously. While he was examining my mother's teeth, he was chatting with the nurse about sports cars or something related to his private life. I wanted to say something, but I refrained myself from making a statement. Next, when he was operating on the teeth, he was still yapping on about his personal life. My mom was really worried and made hand signals for them to stop whatever they were doing. The doctor and nurse put on their angry face. They were asking me what she was saying. She was telling me that they were operating on the WRONG tooth. So I told them of her concern--after all, doctors have made plenty of mistakes, here's an example of a retarded doctor severing a man's penis off.

The dentist, I should call the asshole a dentist, the fucking dentist, started snapping at me. He became really pissed off and starting cursing at us; "Are you fucking kidding me, that is absolutely the stupidest thing I've ever heard, this is bullshit, how can anyone be so ignorant," etc, etc. The dentist lost his temper and started to curse while operating, my heart pounded and did not know what to do or say. He bitterly cut the tooth and yanked at my mother's teeth with a crazy look on his face. I was terrified. He kept repeating the same shit over and over, saying that she insulted him by saying that he was doing the wrong thing. While operating, he kept saying he didn't want in on this case anymore and after he was done, he stormed out, slamming the tools on the table, showing that he was the boss.

This was the biggest sign of discrimination I've faced thus far in my life. How dare this sack of shit treat his patient like that? I'll bet my life on it that he would never have the audacity to raise his voice to a Caucasian, they would sue his sorry ass off. The fuck was his problem? He had no right to treat his patients like shit, shit talking his ass off knowing that my mother couldn't speak English... His crazed look made my heart sink, fearing that his temper would cause him to purposely pull the wrong tooth out...

After we left the dreadful place, my mom told me that she felt for sure they were operating on the wrong tooth. They were drilling and yanking on the upper tooth, while the X-Ray clearly indicated that the bottom one (#17) was the one to be removed. If she hadn't raised an objection, who knows what would've happened, it's not like you can put your tooth back on after it's out. For FUCKS sake, who is going to feel sorry for you after the operation is over? No fucking one. It's better to be safe than sorry, but taking so much shit from that dentist made me feel both anger and helplessness.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


There are so many movies on Dish Network PPV. Anyway I just watched Yes Man and I thought it was hilarious. The movie is about a pessimistic man (Jim Carrey) whose life turns around when he starts answering yes to everything. Aside from the getting a few good laughs from the movie, I walk away getting something else as well. I reflect upon my own life, and hell, I used to live life as a "No Man." I guess I should be even more open minded and do new and exciting things--learn some new tricks and such. Of course, it's always easier said than done.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Progress--Lack Of

Progress so far on the elite ladder: Awful

I've been playing and getting destroyed left and right. The elite ladder is pretty much stacked with human players (about more than half of page one is human), some elves, and like little to no undead/orc players.

I've been playing this game with a horrible mentality, I think I need to approach this at a different angle. There must be something I am doing wrong. I still have twenty-something days left to figure out how I will fix this.