Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Seven Pounds

Seven Pounds--no I didn't gain seven pounds. It's the name of a movie I just saw on PPV.

Way to spend an afternoon, watching one hell of a depressing movie. It's starring Will Smith--the only reason why I was watching it in the first place. The movie starts off really confusing, having many flashbacks and scenes that do not connect. But as I kept watching, the story became more captivating and ever more depressing. I've never seen Will Smith play such a role before and it was quite different from what he's used to (action movies).

As for the story itself, damn it was depressing. Will Smith gave up his life in order to change the lives of seven other people. He selectively picked out people who he deemed deserving of his organs. Smith committed suicide in order to end his own pain (figuratively) and also to help others in need. What's depressing about the movie anyway? I guess its the dying people. Seeing how many people are waiting for someone to die in order to get a vital organ transplant is simply ... depressing.

In sociology class, we learned about how the rich abuse the poor on a global scale. Rich Americans who need organs go to third world countries and buy organs for their operation. Most of them are kidney transplants because a person can live with one kidney. The exploitation is simply sickening. The donors are paid a bare minimum and are missing a kidney for the rest of their lives.

The problem is that most people are too selfish. Who cares what happens to the body after I'm dead? If my body can save ten lives, then so be it. For those people who want to "preserve" their "complete" body, that is simply despicable. How selfish can people be--to keep their organs to rot in the ground instead of giving it away to save other people's lives?

A truly sad world we live in...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

stupid jury duty


7. What if I do not serve?

  • Failure to go to court on the date you have been summoned for jury service is a criminal infraction.

  • You may be fined $136.00 or held in contempt of court.

That I found disturbing. Jury duty sucks. Mine is on June 1st, on the same day of my first day of summer class. I read online that some cases require the juries to come in multiple times due to the prolonging of the case. That better not happen. It would suck major ass if I get picked to judge on a case.

As for summer class, I'm looking forward to it. For some reason, I think it will go by quite fast =)

Monday, May 18, 2009


I began watching Smallville in 2001 when it first came out. It was pretty good. However over the years, the show kept twisting out of control more and more... the storyline doesn't even make sense anymore.

The original cast are these guys. Over the seasons, they took out Pete (existed in the DC comics), but kept Chloe (who didn't exist in the comics).

The cast kept changing because contracts were up and people didn't want to go on anymore.

How did they deal with the contract thing? They had to change the script according to the cast LOL.

1. Johnathan Kent - Clark's father. They killed him off. He died so that Clark can live. That certainly pissed off many fans because his dad was supposed to live on. This was probably the first drastic thing that happened. (Dies S5)
2. Pete was removed from the show, I forgot for what reason. (S3)
3. Lionel Luthor - he died because Lex pushed him off the building or something like that. (Happened in S7)
4. Lex Luthor - he dies in in a car explosion, detonated by the Green Arrow. What the hell... how can you kill off Superman's ultimate rival? Does that even make any sense at all? (S8)
5. Lana Lang - she somehow got all of Clark's powers but has to "run away" but she actually left the show. (S8)
6. Jimmy Olsen - they killed Jimmy Olsen, the reporter guy that always appears with Lois. (S8)

All and all, the show keeps killing off more important characters. It sickens me.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

WCG Invitational @ Samsung Experience

I showed up at 10:30 AM and told them I was available to play if the other guys didnt show up. Luckily, Alex Gardner (worldcommunist8) broke his hand and dropped out. So I joined BoX, SonKiE and Longwalk in their fray.

Round Robin Tournament
EtapH 0-2 BoX | SV TR
Longwalk 1-2 SonKiE

EtapH 0-2 SonKiE | TM SV
BoX 0-2 Longwalk

EtapH 0-2 Longwalk | TM TS
BoX 2-0 SonKiE

Longwalk 5-2
SonKiE 4-1
BoX 4-2
EtapH 0-6

So after that, they did a tie breaker for 2nd place:

BoX 1-2 SonKiE

Longwalk vs SonKiE

I have no idea who won though. I left before they finished.

Friday, May 15, 2009

some thoughts

My schedule didn't quite work out the way I wanted it to... so anyway...

This year sure went by quickly. Back in elementary school, it felt like an entire grade lasted forever. In high school, it went by very fast because I kept looking forward to the next semester for certain reasons. Now in college, it goes by even faster. Partly because it ends earlier, and partly because of the looking forward to the next day. The last days of school in college seems very different from the high school atmosphere. In high school, everyone is all happy and carefree. In college, everyone is nervous about the upcoming finals.

I'm sick. My throat hurts and that's usually a sign that I'm about to get very sick. With all the fuss about the swine flu going on, I hope I don't have the swine flu.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Yesterday - 5/12 - must remember for stuff.

Anyway today I'll be doing my schedule for fall semester. Hope everything works out...

Edit - schedule kind of shitty, but not bad enough to whine about.

Today was quite a nice day. I was very nervous until I presented my project for English. Now I feel relieved.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Subway poster

I know its been chopped but it is still humorous.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Stock Market

I've been following the stock market ever since last April (2008). The Dow Jones was around 15000 points. It took a huge leap off the building and three months ago it was around 6000 points. Now it has rebounded to about 8500.

During this time I kept playing the stock market game on Facebook. I had to reset the game about a billion times because each time I thought it hit the bottom, it proved me wrong and kept going down. Finally, at a certain point I just stuck with it and kept playing. I started with 40 million to invest. Now I'm up by roughly 20 million. I'm beating the S&P 500 Index!

The only reason why my performance is so decent is because I put almost all my eggs into one basket. I have 80% of my disposable cash on FSLR. It proved to be a wise decision and the return from that single stock is more than all the other ones combined. Warren Buffett once said, only those who don't know what they are doing use diversification.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Swine Flu update

The Swine Flu, ignants call it, the Swan Flu.

Even though they claim Mexico is the origin, seems like the US got hit the hardest.