Monday, May 18, 2009


I began watching Smallville in 2001 when it first came out. It was pretty good. However over the years, the show kept twisting out of control more and more... the storyline doesn't even make sense anymore.

The original cast are these guys. Over the seasons, they took out Pete (existed in the DC comics), but kept Chloe (who didn't exist in the comics).

The cast kept changing because contracts were up and people didn't want to go on anymore.

How did they deal with the contract thing? They had to change the script according to the cast LOL.

1. Johnathan Kent - Clark's father. They killed him off. He died so that Clark can live. That certainly pissed off many fans because his dad was supposed to live on. This was probably the first drastic thing that happened. (Dies S5)
2. Pete was removed from the show, I forgot for what reason. (S3)
3. Lionel Luthor - he died because Lex pushed him off the building or something like that. (Happened in S7)
4. Lex Luthor - he dies in in a car explosion, detonated by the Green Arrow. What the hell... how can you kill off Superman's ultimate rival? Does that even make any sense at all? (S8)
5. Lana Lang - she somehow got all of Clark's powers but has to "run away" but she actually left the show. (S8)
6. Jimmy Olsen - they killed Jimmy Olsen, the reporter guy that always appears with Lois. (S8)

All and all, the show keeps killing off more important characters. It sickens me.

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