Thursday, September 3, 2009

The first week of school

The first week of school is always a drag. Let me break down my classes:

ENG - The old professor is simply a genius and inspirational. Although we have to write seven essays this term along with a bunch of reading, I think I'll walk away from this class with more than just a grade. I had to spend $73 to buy the book.

CIS - I'm predicting this will be my easiest class but nobody knows what's going to happen since the professor hasn't shown his face for the past week. I bought the book used for $35

LAW - The law professor has a nice use of sarcasm to make his lectures a bit more interesting. However, law puts me to sleep and reading this entire book will melt my brain. I borrowed the book from a friend.

ACC - The most stressful class I have this term and the one with the most work. I still didn't get the book yet because the bookstore ran out.

ART - Why the hell am I taking this class? Well I certainly know the answer, but you don't, ha! I spent $90 and bought the book used. I started off this class very badly, I didn't do the first reading assignment and she gave us a quiz today. Fail.

In total, I spent $198 on textbooks, and will eventually spend $273 (since the ACC book is $75).

Another thing is, I sold off all of my textbooks from last term. POL for $75, SOC for $75, BUS for $100, PHI for $25, and lent my macro book to a friend. I recovered $275, and the macro can easily be sold for $80+. I guess it ain't bad after all.

However the most interesting thing about this week was how I sold my textbooks. You see, almost everyone put out fliers for others to see what they are selling. There are hundreds of fliers on every floor and to make yours to stand out is quite a challenge. I strategically made my fliers have big bolded font and included the picture of the books with it. I knew I had to somehow get rid of all of my books within the first week or else chances are everyone will have bought what they need already. I took the initiative of seeking out where certain classes are and advertised what I was selling outside the classroom. I easily sold off all of our philosophy books (I helped 3 of my friends sell their philosophy books). I was afraid of being mugged because he past few days I've held onto so much cash. Since I was selling for my friends as well, I had to hold someone else's money for a brief period so if anything happened to me I would have been screwed. My methods of selling books is exactly what I need to do in order to succeed in the business world--take the initiative, be bold, and do what is necessary. I easily sold off all of my books while my friends still have a long list of books they need to get rid of.

~ Cheers


Tiffany said...

haha i plan to that after this year! you get so much more selling on campus than selling them back to bookstores!

Anonymous said...

Well I certainly know why you're taking ART, but you don't know who I am, ha!

QQ said...

Anonymous I like your style.


Anonymous said...

stop complaining all the time