Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Dark Half

World War I comic

World War II comic

So I found out the brilliant artist for these comics, his name is AngusMcLeod on Deviant Art. Anyway, check it out, it's very witty and humorous.

On a more serious note, my English Professor is really something. His approach to teaching the class is to teach us about life. Right now we are on the theme of "the dark side of human nature" and that was why I had to write an essay on passion-violence. Right now we are watching a movie based on Stephen King's novel, The Dark Half. It's a horror film about this guy who has a split personality--by day he is a professor, by night he is a diabolical killer who tortures the victims before killing them. The whole point of this theme is to show us the dark side of all of us. Some of us keep the dark side locked up so it can never do any harm. Others let them out. The professor gave us many many tales of how twisted and sick humanity can be. He gave us many bloody, gruesome, terrifying tales that made me sick to my stomach.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

i dont think i hide my dark side much... it just depends if you notice it xD but nowadays, people dont really observe others unless its the person they like. haha.

everyone already has a dark side. whenever u have the impulse to say "i wanna kill this person" and actually feel like hitting him, you're already showing it. its all about control and how severe that annoyance is xD