Friday, September 11, 2009

New Appreciation

I never had high standards for writing until recently, when I learned that poetic, descriptive sentences make stories ever more exciting to read. My writing still pales in comparison to some of the stuff I'm about to show you, but nevertheless, I will someday be able to produce such works of magnificence as well.

Take these sentences for example:

"She looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that pallid hue. Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough as they moved from one face to another." (From A Rose for Emily) Faulkner has a splendid way of describing a character.

Or this gory scene:

"... left him with his skull smashed, his face unrecognizable (he could've stopped there but he doesn't): for his eyes leaped from their sockets, his nose, pushed backwards as the bones of his face were shattered, was driven firmly into the middle of his palate."

"The two branching horns pierced Gryneus' eyes, and gouged out his eyeballs, part of which clung to the horn, part trickled down on to his beard and hung there, congealed with blood."

I'm supposed to write a short narrative about a time in my life when I've lost control of my reasoning and unleashed my wrath upon a poor, helpless soul. There were times that had occurred, but unfortunately, none of those stories were violent enough to satisfy the qualifications for this paper. So I'm not entirely sure what I'll do for this paper, maybe use my imagination and make something up.

As for my HS Memoir, I'm on something near 122 but after some major editing and revision, it will probably be a lot better. Note, I am not done with it yet, not even close to revision.

Blog funny:


Shanni said...

good keep working on ur hs memoir make it descriptive and fun!

James said...

"I'm supposed to write a short narrative about a time in my life when I've lost control of my reasoning and unleashed my wrath upon a poor, helpless soul. There were times that had occurred, but unfortunately, none of those stories were violent enough to satisfy the qualifications for this paper."

Oh, but how fortunately none of those stories were violent enough for that poor, helpless soul's sake.

Tiffany said...

one day im gonna write my own life. i feel like theres so much to convey out of my sad life. LOL.