Monday, October 26, 2009

Another Virus

That's right, another virus self installed on my desktop.

Last night, a stupid malware forced its way through my computer and self installed on my computer. This isn’t the first time, but it was some weak garbage the last time it happened. This time, the malware deleted my Malware Bytes and disabled my antivirus. It even locked down my task manager so I wasn’t able to end the program. It was a very serious thing. Luckily I had my laptop and was able to research the damn thing. The name of the malware is called “Security Tools.” It is a genius name to dub a virus because the name is so generic; the search results don’t come up as solutions to a virus. After spending two hours past my usual bedtime, I decided to leave it till today. “Security Tools” is a rogue antivirus program that says your computer is infected with fake viruses when in fact, it is the virus itself. It doesn’t allow you to do anything, can’t run any antivirus programs at all.

After using trusty Google, I found my answer. I went into safe mode and ran MSCONFIG to disable all the startup processes, so the annoying virus wouldn’t start on startup. Next, I ran REGEDIT and deleted the registry with the folder with the virus. Since Malware Bytes was still down, I tried to reinstall it. No such luck I’m afraid. Somehow the virus managed is programmed to auto delete the .EXE file of MBAM. I got around it by installing an updated version onto an USB drive and ran a scan and removed the virus. However, it was still messed up because when I rebooted, I still got error messages. Since “Security Tools” was gone, I can run my Avira, and so I ran a scan with that. After that, I still couldn’t install MBAM regularly. I installed Spybot Search and Destroy, and ran yet another scan. Finally, it got rid of everything. This was quite an annoying virus indeed.

1 comment:

shanni26 said...

omg i got the same virus, and i tried mbam but they disabled that too, luckily my laptop was new so i just rebooted it from a week ago.