Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More Anticipation

Today was supposedly the accounting midterm. I prepared for it thoroughly and was ready to take it. Things don't always go my way, in fact it rarely does. Just when I thought I was ready to take the test, the professor came into the class late, told us she didn't have the test papers. Some "technical difficulties" made her unable to access the exam papers. By the time she got them, 20 minutes had already passed, so the midterm is postponed until Thursday. I wanted to take it today, to get it over with, oh well. Since we didn't have the test, she decided to teach. When that was said, well over 60% of the class left the lecture hall. She was shocked and I felt sorry for her. It seems to me that the only reason why these people come to class is for attendance purposes. Since they don't take attendance on exam days, people just leave. I suppose you can keep the body in the lecture hall but most of them dose off or turn off their brains anyway.

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