Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rats with Wings

Look at that fatty over here. Today I will talk about the lovable pigeon. Pigeons are often dubbed "rats with wings". The other day when I saw a couple of pigeons flying on the subway tracks, it got me wondering--why don't we ever see small pigeons? Do pigeons just magically grow up to be big and fat? I have never seen a baby pigeon in my life.

Another thing, don't pigeons make mistakes? People make mistakes, they get into car accidents and other injuries. How come we don't see pigeons getting injured like flying into a wall or getting run over?

It's funny how the mind can wander.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

HAHA. i hate pigeons so much. i just want to kill them all! urgh!

i thought of that too. i always thought that those small brown birds were their kids. HAHA. but i have seen dead pigeons before. it always appeases me that it got run over. lol. too many of them. and i just wish people would stop feeding them!