Friday, December 11, 2009

Curves Hurt

Curves hurt...

So this girl with very nice curves tore my heart out and stuff. I wanted to get to know her but she simply walked away! No, nothing like that happened, honest! The curves I'm talking about are the ones given by different professors. First of all I would like to tell you how much I dislike curves.

The breakdown for my CIS class is 25% A's (including A and A-), 35% B, 35% C, 5% D-F. What the hell does this mean? Since there are 40 people in the class, that means only two people fail the course. What the shit man, what the shit? The lowest grade on the freaking midterm was two 35's, so that means if you even guessed half the damn test right you can pass the class with a C. Of course, people such as myself don't want to just "pass," we want to go above and beyond. Of course that isn't going to happen because only 10 people are going to get A's, and half of 10 are going to get A-'s. So it really hurts me in the long run to have a "curve" in this class because everything is based on how other people do. What if everyone got a 100 and I got a 95? That means I would fail because I'm on the bottom percentile, which makes no bloody sense.

I'd much rather they access you based on the traditional 93+=A, 90-93=A-, etc. As a matter of fact my accounting class is going to be yet another class with a bunch of curves. Only thing is, only 15% of the class will get A's. I'm wondering how this semester will turn out... will I break my combo of straight A's only the second semester in?!

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