Tuesday, July 21, 2009

sticks and stones may break my bones

Words hurt--a lot, especially coming from someone important to you.

Anyway, I don't know if this happens to you, but it certainly happens to me. Have you ever laughed or smiled and your face hurts because of your grin? It hurts because your face hasn't made a smile in so long that the muscles get tired from the facial expression. I don't believe people when they say frowning uses more muscles because my face gets tired when I smile or laugh a lot. I guess it's because there's not a lot to be happy about. It saddens me to know that my face hurts to smile =(.

A much simplified version:

You know when you haven't worked out for a while, and you work out, and you get sore? Well that happens to my face.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

yea... back in HS was i was very asocial and "emo"-like, it was annoying. that's why till this day i cant smile in front of a camera unless its a random one or taken when im naturally laughing or smiling about something. its very hard.

back then i also didnt like spending time with crowds of "friends" and laugh or listen to them laugh. it hurt my head whenever they got too loud for me since im used to silence or little noise. lol. it still hurts a bit so thats why i avoid hanging with crowds. had such a bad headache after the kollaboration performance. lol.