Thursday, July 16, 2009


Social networks such as Facebook got me thinking. Why the hell do some people add people to friends list even though they never say a word to one another? I know this bitch from junior high school and she added me on FB a couple of months ago. I didn't want to accept, because I don't give a shit about her (she added me on Sconex before as well). When I accepted back the first time on Sconex, I asked how she was--the bitch never replied. This time I said hello again, she never replied. Honestly, why waste time to add me if you don't exchange a single word with me? Likewise, I have a ton of worthless "friends"--a ton of people whom I never even spoke to. I accepted most of them because I know who they are, I call them acquaintances. Another time, this bitch added me twice, I declined the first time, but she added me again. So the second time, I accepted to see what she would say. She said nothing.

Are most people stalkers? I don't think so. I believe they simply want to add people to increase their friend count. Oh hey look, I have 1000 friends! As if anyone gives a rat's ass about it.

Another thing that bothers me is birthday wishes. I saw this girl copy and paste the same message to three people who had the same birthdays. LoL. I think people who do these things are superficial and phony. They want the favor returned when time comes around. But guess what? Most people don't give a shit. It's your birthday, big whoop. This is why I removed my birthday so I don't get 30 spam messages of the same two words on one day. If you have something to say, why make an excuse to say it on that particular day?

Quality over quantity .

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Hehh... just two days ago i decided to delete all those who i dont give a damn. lol. some i just keep to look at pictures. for some reason, i like looking at other people's pictures. weird, i know.

i keep forgetting to take mine off. most retarded thing ever when my email got bombed like 50 something times -.-"