Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Last One Standing

I've just finished watching Last One Standing (22 episodes). This was one of my most anticipated series of 2008. When I saw the cast I was pretty surprised that they got Roger Kwok to be the villain of the story. Usually Roger is the protagonist and I was very eager to see how something different from his usual roles. As for the storyline, it was quite riveting. I have to say... it is the most violent TVB series up to this day. I heard some of the fight scenes received numerous complaints from viewers lol because children watch this stuff as well.

The ending somewhat left me unsatisfied because of the cliffhanger and there is no news about a sequel to the show.


1 comment:

Joanna said...

yea it was good. hey isn't it nice to know that i read your blog sometimes? ahahhaha next on your list: GEM OF LIFEEE