Monday, January 26, 2009

Whats going on?

I think I wrote about this problem in the past before, but it always seems to repeat itself so here it is again. As always, my mom criticizes "jook sing" kids for their lack of enthusiasm on Lunar New Years. She was really upset because she felt that she was handing out red envelops like it was her duty to stuff the money into kids hands. The tradition (or how it is supposed to be in China) is like this: kids would have to say good/fortunate/blessings to adults so they would in return, give them a red envelop. However, Chinese-American kids know nothing of such traditions, so the adults simply hand out the red envelops and the kids just take them, like the adults owe them or something. I know the tradition so I tried my best to say some stuff but I forgot most of the phrases.

Onward with the next agenda. Today I only had one class; ENG 2100. I have no idea why the evaluation people decided to not give me credit for WRT 101, which is the exact same thing. You sit in a class, read stuff, and write four essays. Been there, done that. But somehow I have to take this dumb class all over again. I went to the academic advisement center after class to see if I can get the class waived. No such luck.

As for the class itself, it is much better than what I had to go through in SBU. The professor is quite enthusiastic about what she does and so are the students. The class is pretty large for an ENG 2100 class because most people took it in the Fall already so they try to put everyone in packed classes. The class consists of a lot of transfer students as well as freshmen and ESL students. As for myself, I dont even know what I classified as... transfer or freshman?

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