Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Random stuff

There is some virus going around the internet, or more frightening, on AIM. A friend of mine had a funny status so I asked her; "Why not click on X's link?" According to her, a friend of her friend sent her a link and she pressed on it. Somehow the link was a virus that took control over her AIM (or AIM Screen name). Now a bot or whatever is sending out more links using her friend's account. Another friend of mine got the same thing and keeps sending me retarded links. Good thing I found out about it before I saw it.

Today I took the COMPASS Math placement test (again). I don't think they sent me the results of the test I took for the fall term. Well anyway, when I walked in and the proctor was a total douchebag. His attitude was disgusting... he gave everyone who walked in an attitude and talked down upon them. When this girl pressed something wrong on the computer the asshole yelled at her. He yelled at me for pressing the start button ROFL. That guy was probably some scum who got picked on in life all the time and now get some authoritative position and was abusing it. Sad guy. Anyway the test was pretty ironic because you would think there were a lot of people that were my age but no. There a bunch of 30-40 year olds taking the test. I guess people are still trying to get their degrees after their X number of years in community colleges.

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