Saturday, January 3, 2009

some thoughts

College is the final step before the adult world. A friend of mine didn't want to enter the adult world, fearing having to grow up. I think it's normal to think that way, I've often reminisce about childhood and wish things were as simple as when I was a kid. But a part of me always knew that it was only inevitable and I had to take responsibilty anyway, so I'm one of those kids who grew up really fast.

What is college to others? What is college to me? To many, it's the time of their lives when they can do whatever they want, because once this stage has passed, it will be nonstop work. To me, it's a test of how much willpower I can muster... sort of a test of what I am capable of doing after college.

A friend of mine said that I should enjoy winter break because once college is over, we will never get breaks. Breaks become vacations... vacations that we have to pay ourselves, and lose money in the process by not working. I've never looked forward to breaks before because I have nothing better to do at home... but after pondering what he said, I feel that it just goes down hill from here.

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