Monday, June 22, 2009

Intro to BSNS course

This summer I'm taking intro to business at Baruch. The course is condensed so we barely learn anything at all. Aside from all the technical definitions and concepts, I learned more important things from the professor. As a former employee in corporate life, he tells us stories about his experiences every now and then.

What I learned so far:

1. How to be successful in interviews
2. Proper behavior in a firm
3. The right approach

An interview is the single most important thing in deciding whether or not they should hire you. Today he picked on people randomly to answer some basic interview questions: "What are you're strengths? Weaknesses? What salary do you want?" People do not know how to answer these questions whatsoever. Any wrong answer and your resume is in the garbage pail.

More importantly, one must be confident, able to think on the feet, and be able to bullshit. You say what they want to hear, and say it with confidence. If you don't believe your own bullshit, why should they?

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