Thursday, June 11, 2009

Work & Life

With summer coming along, everyone is scurrying around trying to find work. I hate work to be honest. Ever since I was little, I never spent much money. I hardly spent more than a dollar per week during elementary/middle school. My theory was--"if I don't spend money, then there is no need for me to even make money." However, as much as I liked that theory, it doesn't work that way in real life. It really discourages me to know that after college I'll have to work for the rest of my life. After all, I don't have any inheritances, I don't have any business ideas, and I don't plan on winning the lottery.

I just want to enjoy my life while I'm still free--free to enjoy what I do. I don't know why everyone is so eager to find work, we only have the rest of our lives to do it. In corporate life... you're expected to work at least five years before you get 3 weeks of vacation.

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