Monday, June 1, 2009


The following grades were submitted to the Registrar's Office

PHI 1500 XZ24 A - expected
POL 1101 FH35A A - expected
SOC 1005 FH24B A - hoped for it
ENG 2100 PS13A A - expected
ECO 1002 TV24C A - hoped for it

Term GPA : 4.0

As for jury duty, I was incredibly lucky. There was about 90+ people waiting to be called for the actual jury duty. The people summoned were simply instructed to sit there and wait to be called. After about 30+ people were called to different cases, the rest of the population were free to go. Of course, it was around 1 PM already (8:45-1 is around 4 hours of waiting). It was a complete waste of my time. My mind was melting with boredom. Thankfully, I didn't have to stay for the entire eight hours. My friend was unlucky enough to have to serve two days because he got picked for a hearing. The good thing is, my name will be taken off the random pool of potential jurors for eight years. I bet I'll get chosen right away when eight years are up. Maybe even in six years.

I find that most people are very egocentric. Their lack of awareness of their surroundings puzzles me. Maybe I'm just very observant and notice a lot of things. I've bumped into many friends on the train and every time I had to greet them. It is as if their attention is only limited to within a foot around where they stand. It doesn't take that much effort to look around and see what's going on right?

I don't know, maybe it's not so great to be so observant. I can remember a lot of details and occurrences that when I recall, the other person has no clue what I'm talking about. Is it a good thing or is it a bad thing?

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

PSSHH!!! i got a 3.8. bleh. lol. 2 As and 3 A-s.