Monday, June 8, 2009

thinking about Midwood

Several friends of mine have already visited Midwood already. I really want to go back and visit. I loved high school, even though my first few years weren't so great. Towards the end, it was really enjoyable. I want to go back and talk to Ms. Peters, Mr. Kennard, Mr. Widom, and Ms. Resnick. However, security sucks. I heard it was nearly impossible to get in, and if you did manage to get in, they kick you out if they see you wandering the halls.

What I would give to sit in Mr. Kennard's class once more... I absolutely loved that class. And I have to thank Ms. Peters for her superb teaching methods--AP US History was the best thing that ever happened to me, despite the fact that I hated the class in the beginning.

Snooping around the new Midwood website, I found some interesting things. I found the principal’s blog and his email. I decided to email him about the issue. I wonder how he will respond (if he does).


Tiffany said...

Did he ever respond?

QQ said...

I am glad you like the website and I welcome your thoughts and input about the restructuring of the Collegiate program. I am glad to hear various testomonials that support the reasons and philosophioes behind this change. Thank you!!!

Regarding school visits, I always recommend that graduates reach out to their former guidance counselors or the dean's office or Ms. Bren prior to their visits to ensure entry. Sending an email in advance can help minimize the potential of getting turned away.


David Cohen