Saturday, June 13, 2009

Transition to DTV

Out with the old, in with the new.

Old analog Televisions can no longer get reception from the classic TV antennas. The government established a program to help people keep up with the change in technology ( We signed up for a TV converter box coupon a couple months back.

The only way to view the public television channels is either to buy a new digital TV, get a converter box, or have satellite TV. Anyway I took the trouble to set up the TV. It's just a pain in the ass to set up because now I have to add yet another set of cables to link up my already complicated chain of crap. The sad thing is, now my VHS is obsolete--I can no longer record public television shows. It's also very frustrating to have to turn on both the TV and the converter box in order to watch channel 11. Lastly, now I have five remote controls, and it's very confusing.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Omg. it's so annoying! i have bad reception so once in a while the screen would go black because of no signal or it would stutter like crazy... blehhh... recently i started watching old video tapes. i miss these old movies. im gonna throw them away after i finish with them only because i know i can find them on dvd if i ever want to watch them again, or online. lol. but im keeping the disney movies with the original boxes xD the ones where u open it like a book. lol.