Wednesday, June 24, 2009

SYEP Status

I got into SYEP this year through Henry St. I decided to attend the Manhattan job fair, instead of the Brooklyn one. I arrived at Henry St. Settlement around 5:10 PM and it was packed. The line was longer than lonnnnnnnnnnnng cat (please tell me you know who longcat is, if not Google it). People were cutting the line left and right so they decided to give us number tags. I was #361. The line wasn't going anywhere. When an opportunity came around, I went for it. A lady recruiting for clerical occupations asked whoever wanted an office job to go with her. So I followed her inside the building, instead of waiting outside like a sucker. When I went inside, it was stupid. The job fair hardly had any worthwhile jobs... it was mostly daycares and daycamps. I wasn't interested in such activities. I asked around and finally got a hold of the person with the computer. You see, not all the jobs were represented in the job fair. In fact, a majority of jobs were in the computer database. I was quite picky and looked through the list over and over. Finally, I chose to work at a CVS Pharmacy in Kings Highway. The reason was proximity and the potential to continue working there in the future.


Anonymous said...

yo qi, you could always look up internship jobs online and just call them up to see if they have any space available

QQ said...

who you be, Anonymous?

Anthony Smith said...

Yo I got enrolled did all the paper work for henry sreet queens
I missed the job fair, so that means I dont get the Job. I thought we all was working at little neck makes no sense